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Christians are often shocked to read that Yahweh, the God of the Israelites, commanded the total destruction—all men, women, and children—of the ethnic group known as the Canaanites. This seems to contradict Jesus’ command in the New Testament to love your enemies and do good to all people. How can Yahweh be the same God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ? What does genocide in the Bible have...

commanded by him, executed by him, and brought by him alone to successful conclusion. Among the attributes associated with his participation in Yahweh war are God’s omnipotence, his infinite wisdom, and, above all, his holiness. In fact, it is this last-mentioned characteristic that gave rise to earlier descriptions of this kind of conflict as “holy war.” All this is not to negate such divine virtues as love, grace, mercy, and forbearance; indeed, these and other elements of the wholeness of God
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